Embark on a legendary journey with the inaugural release of the 2024 1 oz British Beowulf and Grendel Silver Coin (BU), marking the beginning of the highly anticipated Myths and Legends 3-coin collectible series. This captivating series, inspired by the epic tale of Beowulf, continues the tradition of excellence set by the Royal Mint’s previous Myths and Legends collections.
Crafted from .999 fine silver, each coin contains one troy ounce of precious metal. Similar to other coins in the series, this coin holds a face value of £2 legal tender. The Royal Mint has meticulously produced these Beowulf Coins with a bullion finish, making them an attractive investment option due to their cost-effective production.
Coin Highlights:
- Purity: Contains 1 oz of .999 fine silver in Brilliant Uncirculated condition.
- First of a three coin Royal Mint Series, the British Myths and Legends coin series
- Obverse Design: Showcases the latest official portrait of King Charles III, designed by Martin Jennings.
- Reverse Design: Depicts the fierce battle between Beowulf and his adversary, the swamp monster Grendel, with additional inscriptions indicating weight, purity, and year. Designed by David Lawrence.
- Quality: Bullion.
- Face Value: £2.
- Year: 2024.
- Diameter: 38.61mm.
- Packaging: Arrives in individual plastic flips or mint tubes of 25.
Invest in the captivating allure of British folklore as Beowulf takes center stage in this new series of coins. The trilogy, dedicated to British myths and legends, commences with the iconic tale of Beowulf and his relentless battle against the monstrous Grendel.
Beowulf, the valiant protagonist of the Old English epic poem, emerges as one of the earliest heroes in English literature. The poem chronicles his courageous exploits as he aids Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, in vanquishing the dreaded Grendel. Renowned for his bravery and leadership, Beowulf’s saga unfolds through epic confrontations with Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a fearsome dragon, culminating in his heroic demise.
Grendel, a malevolent creature with human attributes, stands as one of Beowulf’s primary adversaries. Descended from Cain, he wreaks havoc upon Hrothgar’s hall, driven by jealousy and rage. Beowulf’s triumph over Grendel incites further conflict as the vengeful mother of the slain monster seeks retribution.
Believed to originate between the eighth and eleventh centuries, the poem Beowulf, with its Christian allegory, adds depth to the timeless narrative of good versus evil.
Own a true piece of history today with the first year issue 2024 1 oz British Beowulf and Grendel Silver Coin.